Department for Community Health Partnerships
Overview of the department
Our goal, as a university hospital in charge of implementing advanced medicine, is to provide high-quality health care services that satisfy the needs of patients while collaborating with community health care institutions.
Main tasks
– Collaboration with community health care institutions (referral and counter-referral)
– Dissemination of information to community health care institutions
– Reservations for consultation requested by community health care institutions
– Procedures for the acceptance of transferred patients
– Support and coordination for discharge (liaison and coordination with the community in relation to transfer and home care)
– Provision of consultation for patients
– Visits to community health care institutions
– Participation in community medical council meetings in the prefecture and discussions
– Collaboration with community health care institutions as a cancer/AIDS core hospital
– Tasks related to the management of liaison-critical pathways
– Organization of workshops and training sessions in collaboration with health and welfare care institutions in the community
Reservation for consultation
If you send a “referral/reservation for consultation” form by fax from a community health care institution, we will send you back an appointment form within 20 minutes after coordinating the schedule. We devote ourselves to improving appointment and other services and reducing the waiting time for patients.
Support and coordination for discharge
Nurses start to provide patients with support for discharge from an early stage of hospitalization, including daily hospital rounds in collaboration with social workers. As part of home-care support, we hold pre-discharge conferences involving family members and community residents to develop environments in which patients can maximize their potential.
Activities of MSWs and PSWs
MSWs and PSWs provide patients and their families with support from the viewpoint of social welfare to alleviate their care-related anxieties and help them return to society, so that they can lead independent community and family lives.