Division of Blood Purification
Overview of the department

Prof. Masayuki Iwano
Consultation system/therapeutic strategies
There are 9 beds. Eighteen patients per day at maximum can receive treatment. Our hospital has been authorized as a dialysis education hospital. In addition to outpatients with stable conditions, severe-status patients are also managed using advanced medical techniques. Patients with acute/chronic renal failure, inflammatory bowel disease during admission, and immune neurological diseases have been treated.
Advanced devices
Our division is equipped with 2 hemofiltration dialysis devices for severe-status patients requiring dialysis. In our division, leukocyte adsorption and DFPP therapies are performed in cooperation with the ME Center. For dialysis surveillance, a dialysis information-managing system has been introduced. Safe, accurate medical care is provided.
Primary examinations and explanations
All examinations necessary for maintenance dialysis at the outpatient clinic are available, covering regular examinations of dialysis-related osteoarthropathy and arteriosclerotic cardiovascular disorder. For shunt-related problems, ultrasonography and angiography are conducted, and treatment is provided in cooperation with the Department of Urology and Department of Radiology.