Department of Home Care Consultation
Overview of the department
Skilled nurses with expertise provide outpatients, under self-management for a variety of health-related reasons, and their families with consultation, advice, and care according to their needs.
Diagnosis and treatment system/treatment policies
Advice on home health care
Under the instructions of physicians in charge, nurses provide patients with advice on home health care regarding 17 items, including self-injection, oxygen therapy, central venous hyper-alimentation, self-catheterization, tracheal cannulation, home mechanical ventilation, gastrostomy, colostomy, and urostomy.
Foot care in relation to diabetes
Under the instructions of physicians in charge, nurses provide patients with care for the prevention of diabetic foot, its early detection, and treatment, as well as encourage them to recognize the necessity of foot care and implement it continuously.
Outpatient services to support smoking-cessation
We provide support for smoking-cessation, including health interviews, breath CO2 measurement, counseling, and telephone consultation.
Advice for the prevention of diabetes and dialysis
Under the instructions of physicians in charge, nurses collaborate with nationally registered dietitians to provide personal advice to prevent the aggravation of diabetes and nephropathy.