Department of Radiology

Overview of the department

Chairman Prof. Hirohiko Kimura

Prof. Tetsuya Tsujikawa

The Department of Radiology is responsible for an extensive field with different specialties, consisting of radiological diagnosis (CT, MRI), nuclear medicine, radiotherapy, and intravascular treatment. CT, MR, and PET images are technically evaluated by the specialized diagnostic radiologists. Intravascular , and treatments are conducted by the qualified interventional radiologists using angiographic procedures and radiotherapy for cancers are performed by radio-oncology specialists.

Consultation system/therapeutic strategies

In the Division of Diagnostic Radiology, the reports of radiological diagnoses to referring physicians are made based on various imaging procedures (XP, CT, MRI, and US).
The Division of Intravascular Radiology is responsible for treating patients with tumors or vascular lesions using the intraluminal approach of using interventional radiology.
The Division of Nuclear Medicine is responsible for scintigraphy, SPECT/CT and PET/CT with radioisotopes and diagnosis based on those nuclear medicine images are conducted.
In the Division of Radiotherapy, the patients with cancer are treated using advanced radiotherapies, such as Intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT), image-guided radiotherapy (IGRT), stereotactic radiation therapy (SRS, SRT), brachytherapy, and permanent insertion brachytherapy.
In all divisions, medical practice is all for the best provided by radiologists certified as specialists.

Fields of expertise

In the Division of Diagnostic Radiology , detailed image analysis, including three-dimensional image analysis is performed using multi-detector row CT and high-magnetic-field MRI (3T) systems.
In the Division of Nuclear Medicine, the functional diagnosis of the brain, heart, and tumors with radioisotopes is conducted using SPECT/CT and PET/CT systems.
In the Division of Intravascular Radiology, arterial embolization for hepatocellular carcinoma is performed in a large number of patients.
In the Division of Radiotherapy, radiotherapy for malignant tumors is conducted using Intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT), image-guided radiotherapy (IGRT), stereotactic radiation therapy (SRS, SRT). As for the specific treatment, whole body irradiation before bone marrow transplantation and brachytherapy, and permanent insertion brachytherapy for prostate cancer are provided.

Advanced medical practice

In the Divisions of Diagnostic Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, MR spectroscopy, functional perfusion/diffusion tensor imaging, and the assessment of tumor stage/relapse/metastasis are conducted using high-magnetic-field MRI (3T) systems and FDG-PET/CT.
In the Division of Intravascular Radiology, reservoir insertion for liver metastasis/hepatocellular carcinoma is performed.
In the Division of Radiotherapy, stereotactic radiosurgery of the head, lungs, and liver is conducted. Furthermore, intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) for prostate/head and neck cancers is performed. It is possible to confirm an accurate position using IGRT with a CT system in the same room.

Diseases treated in our department

Intravascular treatment

Arterial embolization for liver metastasis/hepatocellular carcinoma, reservoir insertion, arterial embolization for pelvic fracture/digestive tract hemorrhage to achieve hemostasis, and percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (PTA) for acute arterial occlusion are performed based on requests from referring physicians of various departments.


The irradiation of X-ray beams is highly effective to control local malignant tumors and minimally invasive. Furthermore, it facilitates preservation of the morphology and function, maintaining patients’ QOL. Standard external irradiation is performed once a day 5 times a week (total: 25 to 30 times) using high-energy linac X-rays. When the incidence of adverse reactions to treatment is expected to be low, treatment in the outpatient clinic is also possible. When systemic management by admission is necessary, patients are requested to admitted to a primary disease-based department, and then radiotherapy is planned and performed.

Primary examinations and explanations

Our hospital is equipped with one 1.5T and two 3T MR systems. In high-magnetic-field, such as 3T, MR signals are magnified, which facilitates shortening of the imaging time and obtaining the high-resolution images. In our hospital, “brain-dock” is performed using the 3T systems. We are making efforts to detect diseases, such as cerebral aneurysms, which cause subarachnoid hemorrhage, brain tumors, and cerebral infarction, in the early stage in cooperation with specialists in neurosurgery department. PET/CT facilitates accurate identification of the lesion site through PET-based functional diagnosis and CT-based morphological information. The PET/CT unit is also utilized for “tumor-dock”.